5 Things To Do When Moving House

5 Things To Do When Moving House
5 Things To Do When Moving House

There’s a lot to remember when it comes to moving moving into your new home – from all the big physical stuff right down to the small bits of paperwork – so it’s no wonder that there are some things that get left behind. 5 Things To Do When Moving House

When we teamed up with Rightmove to run a competition based on your removal horror stories, we were reminded just how many things people forget when they move.5 Things To Do When Moving House

1. Label boxes

This might sound like an obvious one but when you’re rushing, little things like labelling a box can easily be forgotten. And although it seems like a small mistake to make, the impact it can have on your move at the other end can be quite a big one, as one response to our competition proved:

“This is silly but I never label my boxes! So the first day always involves me scattering all my belongings everywhere and still never finding what I’m looking for!”

2. Use the correct packing materials…

Not using the right packing materials can lead to several issues, the biggest one being the risk of damage. Boxes that aren’t strong enough for their contents can easily collapse under their weight, or bin bags of clothes can tear open leaving your items at best scattered all over the floor and at worst broken or damaged.

Boxes or bags that don’t seal properly can also leave your items vulnerable to the elements if you’re moving in bad weather. Another common issue is using boxes that previously contained food stuff that leave a nasty odour on your belongings if they have picked one up from their original contents!

3. Seriously consider using a removal company

Most of us have moved ourselves at some point in our lives, but its easy to forget how time consuming, physically exhausting and emotionally stressful it can be, especially as our family, property size and years of accumulated belongings grow.

Using a removal company may cost less than you think and could save you time, reduce the risk of damage, take away some of the stress and make coping with inevitable late changes or move day challenges much easier.

4. Not to pack things you’ll need and accidentally packing things you shouldn’t have

Once you eventually get into the swing of packing, it can be hard to stop – and while that’s good, it’s also bad if you end up getting carried away and packing things you might need on the day of the move. This problem compounds if you’ have ‘helpers’ packing with you who don’t know what you want to take with you.

A couple of the answers given in our Rightmove competition highlight just how easily it can be done; at best, when moving a short distance, this is a disruption you can do without at the end of a long day:5 Things To Do When Moving House

5. Make an essentials box

Similar to number 3, this is something that a lot of people often overlook, believing that once they reach their new house it will be easy to access everything they need at once.

Depending on the time of day you move, you might not have the time to start unpacking properly when you get to your new house, and the last thing you need is to be rooting through all of your boxes in search of your essentials before bed.

Don’t believe us? These are just a couple of the answers we received in our recent Rightmove competition from people whose moving day was made all the more stressful by not having access to their essentials:

“Our last move was a bit of a rushed affair and we had to do a lot of things last minute. My other half did a run to the charity shop to hand in a load of stuff to save us from moving things we didn’t need while I started loading up. A lot of trips back and forth later and we finally got everything in.

After sighing and sitting down for five minutes, I said: ‘let’s get the kettle on’. I unpacked the kettle and went in search of the mugs. I opened the box I thought they were in, only to find a load of my son’s old plastic toys – every mug, cup and glass had gone to the charity shop and we were left with the stuff we were trying to get rid of!

Weended up opening the champagne we were saving for a special occasion and taking turns to drink from the bottle. We probably needed that more than the tea anyway!

Our tip: The essentials box didn’t earn its name for nothing – it really is an important part of your move. Of all the things people forget when moving house, this is probably the most annoying and will cause you inconvenience on the day.

The best way to start deciding what should be in yours is to:

  • Think about all of the items you use daily: Prioritise items you’ll need straight away at your new house, items that’ll speed up your unpacking process or those that you can grab in case of an emergency.
  • Consider the time of year you’re moving: Tailor your essentials box to include items that match the season. In the summer pack garden toys for the children to play with or an icebox with cold drinks instead of tea and coffee and in the middle of winter think of mugs for hot chocolate and soup, a de-icer for the car and some grit for any paths and driveways that might need it.

Make a list of what you need or download our essentials box packing list and start packing your essentials box in time, preferably just before everything else. This gives you the chance to check your list and add things that might forget.

Label it clearly with ‘do not pack’ then first thing on moving day put it in the car so that it’s out of the way and completely separate from the rest of your boxes to avoid any mix-ups when loading the truck. If you don’t want to take it in the car with you ask your removals crew to load it last so it can be the first box off at the new house.

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